Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Happening

Zooey is so charming in this movie.
I was frightened by the scene workers fall off the building.
Night Shyamalan is a genius.
Where is he in this film?
A surprise.

Anyway, I saw this film with a little bit of panic.
It scares me more than bloody man slaughter movie.
The theory is interesting, it remains me my high school geograghy text book,
it says that once population of human being on earth increasing too much there will be a restraint, such as epidemics,famines, or wars.
(Thomas Robert Malthus's The Principle of Population)

Years ago there was SARS, and now it's H1N1 also known as swine flu.
And we have two possible great devastation yet to come, according to ancient Maya calendar our next expectable(first was Nostradamus's prophecy) doomsday is December 21st, 2012. After this one, if there is nothing happening, one to go then and there is no confirm date.

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