Wednesday, December 20, 2006


"Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll" which is the first film directed by Marilyn Manson who also starring in the film as Lewis Carroll.
Picture shows Manson and the lead actress of the film, Lily Cole, as Alice.
Crazy! Lily Cole is only 18! I thought she might be older.

瑪麗蓮曼森即將在2007年推出的電影"Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll" (夢境: 路易斯卡羅所見)。(Lewis Carroll 是艾麗絲夢遊仙境作者的筆名)
20日在柏林舉辦記者會。女主角Lily Cole(飾演艾麗絲)一同出席,現年18歲的Lily Cole獨特的臉孔出現在各大時尚雜誌,目前是IMG旗下模特兒,這部電影是她的銀幕處女作。

Phantasmagoria 這個字在字典裡解釋為" 千變萬化的光景;幻影;魔術幻燈(在影幕上影像時大時小以產生幻覺效果者)"*;而 則將之定義為"在夢中或發燒時會看到的複雜混亂的幻覺影像"。
又Phantasmagoria也是艾莉絲夢遊仙境作者Lewis Caroll出版的詩集名稱。


* 參見大陸簡明英漢辭典, 吳炳鐘等編修

Friday, December 08, 2006

Schizophrenia & Violent Tendency Version 2.0

精神分裂+暴力傾向 2.0版

I was planed to fix some detail after "Schizophrenia + Violent Tendency" was out last year and for some personal reasons...
Minutes ago, I finished the project, even though it still not that good.
