Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Happening

Zooey is so charming in this movie.
I was frightened by the scene workers fall off the building.
Night Shyamalan is a genius.
Where is he in this film?
A surprise.

Anyway, I saw this film with a little bit of panic.
It scares me more than bloody man slaughter movie.
The theory is interesting, it remains me my high school geograghy text book,
it says that once population of human being on earth increasing too much there will be a restraint, such as epidemics,famines, or wars.
(Thomas Robert Malthus's The Principle of Population)

Years ago there was SARS, and now it's H1N1 also known as swine flu.
And we have two possible great devastation yet to come, according to ancient Maya calendar our next expectable(first was Nostradamus's prophecy) doomsday is December 21st, 2012. After this one, if there is nothing happening, one to go then and there is no confirm date.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Awesome Songs.

Ever since I using Winamp, the famous music play device since world wide web ever established( not true, but Winamp's been so long), there is a amazing track always appears in my hard disc.

I love that song so much, but when i got that track which was so long ago and that time web search was not that complete. So the original of that song maintain an unsolved myth until now.

Everything was started with a Winamp free download plug-in AVS made by Tonic (Yordan Vulchev) under a name "Tonic v4 - My 4D Life in Sofia".

Well, I don't even remember why did I download that plug-in, that plug-in enable some fancy screen saver alike visual effects when you plays music.
Anyway, by download that plug-in you can also get a music track contained within, and I barely know that until one day I tried to clean some spaces.

So I found the amazing track, but pity its mono. Despite that it was so awesome.
It's a mixed track I guess, you can set repeat and it will looped for good.
Native folk style song mixed with beats,amazing I have to say.

the song named "Dve Bulgarin Roses" by Lias featured Pasha Hristova who was a late 60s famous Bulgarian singer known by sang a most popular songs "Edna balgarska roza" ("A Bulgarian Rose").

Today, through the internet we have the opportunity to hear and watch the original song and music video.

anyway, I post mix version by Tonic here, enjoy.

And by the way, I love one electro music by Japan post rock(?)band 80kidz called "Disdrive" so awesome, too.

Friday, April 24, 2009

They are busy.

I did follow that unreal Rachel Wood.
and the account suddenly disappeared on 24th.
so I look up for it today and found this video.
ever since I followed her(?) and I know it could be unreal.
so glad its revealed.
Bruce Willis(probably another fantasy) talked to her(?) on Twitter.
nothing is real, even i am not real.
the real thing is what the government machine do to you.
that's real.
and that will make you really crazy.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

In Bruges - the movie, the score.

(cover art from Amazon)

This time I try to explicit my opinion.
(it's kinda hard)
Of course, still rubbish.

A tragedy disguised as comedy, even though it's an unusual comedy, I watched it with insane and hysterical laughter despite its not really funny at all. 'Cause I'm fucking shallow moron.

Yes, I can't agree more the tragic elements full of In Bruges. This movie is so sad happened in a wonderful place, just like one of the character said "a fairytale town".

Well...I don't feel the way Waters and Ken(film character) feels, I don't feel the fairytale in Bruges of Belgium, I felt more Gothic.
(Waters also mentioned of the Gothic church and buildings in Bruges, and Ken had also visited the church and buildings that are so Gothic. I think it is culture shock, like what I know about fairytale is a no Gothic style background but full of pink and all good-well society. That's my ideal fucking fairytale. But the fact seems like fairytale has a Gothic background.)

Anyway, I like Ken, played by Brendan Gleeson, an Irish actor who also stared in films such as Harry Potter (as'Mad-­Eye' Moody), and some fatherly characters(included In Burges.)
First thing about Ken is that he loves culture, he love Burges ,he love old things, Gothic style buildings and he respect Christian symbolized stuff.
Although he like it based on mythical reason.

And most of all he respects lives, even though with a hit-man background but you can understand his mind through all the detail that shows in this movie, that this man, Ken is such a person killing for money and not in his own well but he's kinda numb something. But when he get to Bruges he knows what he did and introspection.

At Ken's final moment, for his noble behavior, that almost made me in tears.
(also the notable song which I updated at the bottom)
And then he fell, the aftermath was a saddest and terrified scene.
I never thought a person hits the ground from a high place can be separate into pieces.
Ken did (and he did not even dead), and it widen my thoughts that it could happened when a person hits ground, not only bent body or break bones, organs but also break into pieces, plus might still alive.

About the end, I wish Ray can survive, Ken died for him after all.

Carter Burwell composed the music. I don't know him before.
This is my first time hear his work and I love it.
Main theme is great clean piano makes a gray and sad world makes this movie absolutely a tragedy.
For the whale score is one masterpiece recording soundtrack I've ever heard.
All instruments were recorded so clear, Piano, Bass and others makes perfectly combination.

Spike Jonze's forthcoming movie "Where the Wild Things Are" will also feature Carter's work( according to official announcement the recording is in progress) and song from Yeah Yeah Yeahs! vocalist Karen O.

There is one thing to emphasis that Ken's death theme is...
"On Raglan Road"
Written by Patrick Kavanagh
Arranged & Performed by The Dubliners

Awesome Song.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hutz is Hot

{Picture from Gogol Bordello Official Site.}

Eugene Hutz,烏克蘭人,紐約吉普賽龐克樂團Gogol Bordello主唱。

要說Hutz,就得說到Gogol Bordello。
我蠻喜歡Gogol Bordello這個團體,不過我已經忘記在什麼情形下知道他們的。
Gogol Bordello成立於1999年紐約市下東城區,以戲劇性演出成名的多種族吉普賽龐克樂團。

Gogol Bordello將吉普賽等東歐音樂,偷渡進了英語世界,
就像俄羅斯作家尼古萊果戈理(Nikolai Gogol)將烏克蘭文化偷渡到俄國一般,

Gogol Bordello除了一般的樂團樂器成員外,還有小提琴手手風琴以及打擊樂手兼舞者(兩名亞裔小姐)。

2005年Gogol Bordello被唱片公司SideOneDummy簽下,
發行(Gogol Bordello的第三張)專輯"Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike",

回到Hutz;就是聽了Gogol Bordello的專輯,
才會被Eugene Hutz吸引。


2005年Eugene主演的"一切都鳥了"又順便把Gogol Bordello藉由電影推向國際。
去年Hutz又主演了瑪丹娜執導的電影"Filth and Wisdom"

Gogol Bordello在音樂上和瑪丹娜也有交集,
2007年夏天全球最盛大的演唱會Live Earth,
瑪丹娜和Gogol Bordello就曾同臺競演
