Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I was pissed this early morning.

I fucked.
One fashion or some shit once mentioned of a trend brand printed "ARMY" on their shirts even if that's lame or something.

long time ago.

And it just came out last night.- ARMYGAYDON.
maybe when I was taking shower.
or when I was trying to sleep.

so I did a little adjustments, and came out!
After doing this, I went google the term "armygaydon" and there were only two results.
I will be the 3rd, motherfucker, watch.
and now can google armygaydon image, mine.

yeah~ fuck it, i got a bunch of controversial ideas and i was pissed.
this will not be the only one.
hell yeah, no offend to homosexual, but I really hate army.
I hate system.
print it on your shirt,and do a protest march. Go!

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