"大便腦" ─ 觀賞"Fanboys"(星戰迷友)時,家母對那種滿腦子淫亂思想的男人下的標籤,指的就是Dan Fogler飾演的Hutch。

It absolutely a suitable tag for Seth played by Jonah Hill in the movie Superbad, maybe more shitty than Hutch.
這標籤給在"男孩我最壞"裡Jonah Hill飾演的Seth更適合不過了,可能比Hutch還要糟糕。

I had had Superbad for a while, but did not have a mood or time to enjoy it.
During that period a movie channel even played a censored version, and I missed.
Finally, several days before,it was a late night I decide to watch it.

Superbad, a 2007 movie, I had been watched the title sequence so many times, and I like it, a retro intro like early 70 or 80 movies. Simple and colourful. Combined contrast colours and funky soul music "Too Hot to Stop" by The Bar-Keys became a vivid but not haste start of the movie.
And even the Columbia Picture logo was a late 1970s version. (by imdb)
But I have no knowledge of animation, movies nor arts, I don't know what exactly that should be called. Anyway, the title was created by YARD VFX (the link contained a .mov format clip of the title.)
"男孩我最壞",2007年的電影。光是片頭我就已經看了好幾遍,復古形式的開場(哥倫比亞片頭商標也用1970年代晚期的版本),不知道學名叫什麼的對比色配製,搭配The Bar-Keys的放克靈魂音樂"Too Hot to Stop",更顯悠哉。整個片頭由YARD VFX製作(聯結網頁有mov.格式影片)
On the other hand, "Superbad" may refer to 70s James Brown's Superbad which I posted below... Somehow this 2007 film did not feature...
However, there was another teenager film featured this track and used it as title track. It was The New Guy(2002), also a Paramount presentation.
Shitty- brain, Seth, has a scratch book contains all his brilliant artworks of penis in the story which were actually drew by David Goldberg, Evan Goldberg's brother that was one of best part of this movie for me, surprisingly the scene came with "Roda" by Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66,nice track.
Seth,所謂的大便腦,在故事中有一本相當精采充滿老二圖畫的畫冊,實際上是編劇Evan Goldberg的哥哥David Goldberg繪製,介紹這畫冊的片段相當的驚喜,背景音樂是拉丁音樂國寶(?誤)Sergio Mendes和Brasil '66樂團的"Roda"。
The drawing had been even published a hardcover book, I saw it @ Amazon.
Costs $11.70+ @ Amazon.
Everything went like average high school party adventure flick, alcohol,Hormone, weed, drug, sex. And more rebellion.
But first, stories like this use to be minors want to have party and get laid, starting an adventure to this goal, adults always get in the way.
Somehow Superbad had made a connection between adults and minors, this may not a typical high school party movie would be contained.
I was feeling a little bit of tense while watching scene that dealing with adults, but everything turned out fine, I mean the story.
The story contained some details which I think was good like, meeting adults that telling some valuable experiences but without pressure.
It's like every adults were once teenagers, while they meet teenagers that seem lost, they have a compassion for them.
Second, friendship.
Relationship of brotherhood seems recently become a hot topic in Hollywood industry. (I've almost convinced myself in the all these brotherhood movies you can see Seth Rogen.) They use brotherhood relationship to contrast relationship between women, for example, "You, Me and Dupree"(2006),"Knock Up"(2007),(Paul Rudd did a lot movies alike) but suddenly brotherhood became a main subject,"Step Brothers"(2008)(but this one is childish), "I Love You,Man"(2009)(I haven't seen this one, but this one absolutely is).
"Drillbit Taylor"(2008) (Rest peacefully Mr. John Hughes) is a little bit like Superbad except this is a movie for children so amature subjects are not included. (Seth Rogen wrote both Superbad and Drillbit Taylor scripts, so I suppose that "Pineapple Express"(2008) which I haven't seen would also be one of the brotherhood section.)

第二、最近好萊塢似乎逐漸在把好兄弟間的情誼這種元素放大。(我幾乎要覺得這些片子裡面都會有Seth Rogen)
(Paul Rudd演了好多這樣的片)。
(Seth Rogen參與了上述兩部片的編劇,所以我看"菠蘿快遞"(2008)應該也是這種兄弟情誼片。)
Anyway, those are how a hilarious comedy turned out be a touching drama at the final scene. Boys get their goals indirectly, lessons learned, but somehow something been lost.
By the way, I am going to introduce some faces you gotta know for comedian generation next.

Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone and akiva Schaffer are The Lonely Island.

(for FACEBOOK user may not able to see the youtube link of this article.)
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