首先我要說的是,我痛恨這個故事,就像"啥都瞭了" 我痛恨這些故事裡面有性犯罪的情節,而這種情節卻又讓我對悲劇感到更悲傷。
當初看完想說「不會被拍成電影吧?這樣可惡的故事?」。今天在逛網的途中竟發現臺灣準備上映(臺譯: 天使好說性),法國早在去年一月底已在法國上映。心中感到相當難過,我好害怕這個故事被拍成電影(雖然導演似乎把故事改得陽光了些)。這是一種不敢面對現實的反應嗎?不管這故事到底是真的還是杜撰,總之我討厭這種故事情節。
電影網頁 法國 美國
Years ago I read a Franch novel "Lila dit ca (aka. Lila Says...)".
An interesting fact about this novel is that the original writing was taken to the publisher by the anonymous author's lawyer, so no one know if the story a fiction or a truth.
I would like to say it first, I hate this story.I hate stories contain sexual crime, like "Everything Is Illuminated", but these elements can make me feel sad to tragedies.
Lila Says was a story about everythig when a teenager Chimo met a girl named Lila. Pure love between the young cuple but it also controversial. Franch critics consider that the rhetoric inside is beautiful.
After my reading, it occured to me "won't such a damn story become a movie? will it?". Then few minutes ago, while I was surfing internet, I found the movie version is going to be released in Taiwan. And Franch had already shown last year.I felt really bad about this, I was so afraid this story become a movie( Somehow the movie version seemed changed the story more hopeful). Is this a reaction of escapism? No matter this story true of fake, I hate that part.
Website Franch U.S.
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