原聲帶收錄的歌曲藝人包括Tom Petty、Ryan Adams...等知名鄉村音樂人。Tom Petty的It's All Work Out雖是鄉村樂,但是集它中卻帶有點絲竹感,聲音還像史汀,相當值得一聽。
Directed by Cameron Crowe (JerryMaguire, Almost Famous). A 2005 romantic comedy starring Orlando Bloom( Lord of The Rings) and Kirsten Dunst (Spider-Man).
After learning his own father's death, suicidal Drew back to his hometown, Elizabethtown, Kentucky and realize something new about life.
I noticed the soundtrack on HMV Japan site one day, and I went to check it out.
There is no doubt the album full of country music. From Tom Petty to Ryan Adams.
The song "It's All Work Out" sung by Tom Petty, it's a country music but it also sounds like a Chinese music and vocal is similar to Sting.
The score was by Nancy Wilson, from a hard rock band "Heart", and been nominated Best Composer this year Boradcast Film Critics Award.
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