Impressive action sequences.
I see it yesterday without paying lot attention.
All I can say this movie amazed me.
Vengeance Has A Name.
Directed by Lexi Alexander
a female director which surprised me.
Her second film was Hooligans 2005
which I know but not interested in.
Frank Castle / The Punisher
starred by Ray Stevenson
whom I had never heard before.
He's an Irish, looks tough.
Anyway, I am not knowing well about the Punisher story.
I didn't read the comic that much, I know only a little about this character.
I saw 2004 Punisher which directed by Jonathan Hensleigh, Punisher starred by Thomas Jane.
Punisher 2004, I think was made to be a good revenge movie, Frank was both talented and lethal, he has a well planed vengeance.
2004 Punisher was a good and touching(for Frank's relationship with people lives in the same building) revenge movie.
Back on 2008 Punisher.
It was I did not pay a lot attention that I watching it and surfing web at the same time, so I think the opening credit is too long and a little bit boring.
All I know is green, guns, and is it start yet?
Then there's a dinner scene, suddenly turned dark.
You can see the Punisher, see him standing on the table, you know he's gonna shoot whatever it cost, he will shoot like his bullet are free.
Well, it really really surprised me. It's more than that.
And it also surprised me when I know this is directed by a female.
It's full of surprises.
This time Punisher is so angry, he shows no mercy, that's really cool.
For I don't see any angry character recently, this Punisher really excited me.
This dinner scene then turned out be a massacre.
I had to remove all my memories of Frank Castle which in that 2005 movie and go on this new 2008 bloody gore action flick.
When Frank shows no mercy vehement killing all bad guys, our villains can't be weak.
Jigsaw, one of villains in 2008 Punisher, after deciding get even with the Punisher. He went crazy and also vehement, along with his brother or somebody, Loony Bin Jim played by Doug Hutchison, and his first scene in Punisher is in an asylum or something where I couldn't help thinking that he was Percy Wetmore in "Green Mile (1999)" who ended up in an asylum.
Ok, Jigsaw was pissed, crazy, vehement, furious and planed to revenge, Loony Bin Jim was a lethal maniac, death could not stop him.
What a crazy story.
How long I had ever seen a crazy movie like this one.
Both maniacs, one represent justice, the other thirst for blood and chaos.
All the fighting scenes were incredible, and all that gore, bloodstain things always came out with a surprise.
For people who haven't see this yet, I can't talk about too mush details.
It also featured Slipknot's single "Psychosocial", another excited moment.
And the end scene was cool.
I think this Punisher might be the ideal comic realization... well, I don't really know how he doing in the comic actually.