just saw on Blabbermouth...
Former Limp bizkit and current Marilyn Manson guitarist... Wes Borland...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
重返人間前的胡言亂語 2
就聽 the strokes吧~
用耳機的時候 他們的鼓聲更是分外動聽呢!
主音吉它Albert Hammond Jr.的個人運動也出了兩張了
就聽 the strokes吧~
用耳機的時候 他們的鼓聲更是分外動聽呢!
主音吉它Albert Hammond Jr.的個人運動也出了兩張了
重返人間前的胡言亂語 1
露意斯 你幹得好~
露意斯 你幹得好~
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
2009 A Concert Year...
Starts with PSC 10th anniversary concert at Budoukan in Japan January.
Then Philip Glass Concert in Taiwan March.
Then Philip Glass Concert in Taiwan March.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
by her.
The truth is... I love her face.
The truth is weeks ago I just get Dj Starscream's N2O production "This is full metal jungle Vol.1" and at the very first time I was stroke by the first track.
It was a alternative metal song originally by a band named "Eyes Set To Kill" and mixed by Gerneral Malice, Starscream and N8loc which made a perfect match.
It was a alternative metal song originally by a band named "Eyes Set To Kill" and mixed by Gerneral Malice, Starscream and N8loc which made a perfect match.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wonder Land

I bought a CD yesterday, and it surprised me so much that I can't imagine I can buy it here in Taiwan.
Few weeks ago, one song caught my attention when I was listening Gilles Peterson's show. It was Jun Miyake, a Japanese musician, one work from his lastest album -"Stolen From Strangers".
So I went online looking for more infomation about this album. At first, I don't believe that there will be any label in Taiwan would publish this album. Like Jazztronik, another Japanese musician, you won't expect there will be any of his work released in Taiwan, not even his mix cd under Defected.

For example, a Taiwan record label named "Rock" published DJ Kawasaki's works this year. It really surprised me. Since one year after I noticed DJ Kawasaki's "Beautiful", there even a record shop in Taiwan ordered "Beautiful" oversea itself because it seemed hard to get in Taiwan, but now "Rock" officially publishes DJ Kawasaki's works, amazing. Who knows DJ Kawasaki can be popular in Taiwan?
Anyway, Jun Miyake's "Stolen From Strangers" was published by a label that I don't know before, which called "Welcome Music". And it also surprised me, this label seems publishes Japanese jazz music only.
Maybe one day I can find that albums by Nostalgia 77 and Jazztronik or maybe Solid & Pimp Session in a record store of Taiwan.
Otherwise, once I saw a TV show about a Taiwanese pop singer with her best friend who is also a singer but a underground band lead vocal, called Waa. She was in a underground or so-called "indie" band named " Nature Q" which has published 2 studio albums and several Eps. I heared their name a lot, but don't have a chance listen to their songs. So that was my first time hear she sing, and it haunted me immediately.
Her voice is unique and that explains all. I think her voice is better than that pop singer. Now she had already leaved "Nature Q", and released a solo album "la Dolce Vita" which is a outstanding album among all albums, with her great vocal and produced by Toshiya Fueoka, a member and producer of a Japanese band "Mondialito". Unlike rest of Taiwanese pop songs, this album will bring you a fresh listening experience.

"La Dolce Vita" is so smooth that combines Waa's lovely voice with chill-out electronic sound makes an unique album.
I don't really sure that I was right about La Dolce Vita.
I like posting my articles and looking for informations at the same time. Thus I found another news now.
How come DJ Kawasaki's "Beatiful" can be so attractive? I think the cover art maybe one reason. Both DJ Kawasaki's "Beautiful" series ( Beautiful & Beautiful Too) with a famous Japanese model Lena Fujii(藤井リナ) as covers which draws a lot attention.
Lena Fujii is a model who works for a Japanese fashion megazine " ViVi". "Beautiful" was published in 2006, by the fallowing year "Beautiful Too" was released and not only contains remixed tracks of "Beautiful", but also one track sang by Lena Fujii, called " Bright Like Light"..

The point is, on Apirl this year, Lena Fujii will release an album named "Lena" all tracks sang by Lena Fujii and produced by DJ Kawasaki. That's it.
Although I don't think Lena Fujii sings that good, but "Bright Like Light" PV is really hot, and I felt sorry about that.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
At Last, My Arm Is Complete Again!
今天看了"瘋狂理髮師"也就是Sweeney Todd的故事。2007年Tim Burton的銀幕版本。
第一次透過媒體對Sweeney Todd有認識,是在Kevin Smith這個酷呆導演的作品"紐澤西愛未眠"(Jersey Girl)中。這部由Ben Affleck班艾佛列克飾演一個帶著小女孩的故事中,搭配的一個歌劇橋段。
總之,自從"芝加哥"的大獲好評後(吧?),以及好萊烏原創編劇的衰竭影響下,開始產生了許多的百老匯歌舞劇的大銀幕版本。而"Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"(瘋狂理髮師)絕對是這時期的歌劇改編電影中最殘暴的吧!?(這歌劇本來就是限制級的)
找來了Tim Burton主導,配樂部份找來了Stephen Sondheim,一位比較常替電視節目作配樂的作曲家。至於Danny Elfman去了哪裡?待查。大至上講到這邊就夠了,再次入主華納的Tim Burton好像是在努力要把以前的感覺抓回來(吧?),但還是怪怪的,這是Tim Burton作品中最血腥的一個了。也許鮮血的強調是個重點吧!?
這部片基本上,賣點就是Johnny Depp唱歌了。
歌詞很酷(尤其不要看翻譯版的詞狀態下),節拍很快。但是配著交響樂,在極誇張的Tim Burton陰沉調色下,感覺好多的重拍,下在莫名其妙的地方。 Helena Bonham Cartert唱歌部份的表現,我沒什麼意見,不是很了解這樣子。或是說感覺不是很好(吧!?)
再說回來,臺詞真的很妙,押韻那些都很新鮮,歌舞片都是這樣吧? 只是我不熟就是了...
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And it's filled with people who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it.
Hell Yeah, I temporary returned from the camp.
Still fuck the conscription.
But still I have to return.
Anyway, I don't have musch to say right now.
Above was my opinion about the movie "Sweeney Todd" which I saw last morning.
So... see you when I am available.
今天看了"瘋狂理髮師"也就是Sweeney Todd的故事。2007年Tim Burton的銀幕版本。
第一次透過媒體對Sweeney Todd有認識,是在Kevin Smith這個酷呆導演的作品"紐澤西愛未眠"(Jersey Girl)中。這部由Ben Affleck班艾佛列克飾演一個帶著小女孩的故事中,搭配的一個歌劇橋段。
總之,自從"芝加哥"的大獲好評後(吧?),以及好萊烏原創編劇的衰竭影響下,開始產生了許多的百老匯歌舞劇的大銀幕版本。而"Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"(瘋狂理髮師)絕對是這時期的歌劇改編電影中最殘暴的吧!?(這歌劇本來就是限制級的)
找來了Tim Burton主導,配樂部份找來了Stephen Sondheim,一位比較常替電視節目作配樂的作曲家。至於Danny Elfman去了哪裡?待查。大至上講到這邊就夠了,再次入主華納的Tim Burton好像是在努力要把以前的感覺抓回來(吧?),但還是怪怪的,這是Tim Burton作品中最血腥的一個了。也許鮮血的強調是個重點吧!?
這部片基本上,賣點就是Johnny Depp唱歌了。
歌詞很酷(尤其不要看翻譯版的詞狀態下),節拍很快。但是配著交響樂,在極誇張的Tim Burton陰沉調色下,感覺好多的重拍,下在莫名其妙的地方。 Helena Bonham Cartert唱歌部份的表現,我沒什麼意見,不是很了解這樣子。或是說感覺不是很好(吧!?)
再說回來,臺詞真的很妙,押韻那些都很新鮮,歌舞片都是這樣吧? 只是我不熟就是了...
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And it's filled with people who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it.
Hell Yeah, I temporary returned from the camp.
Still fuck the conscription.
But still I have to return.
Anyway, I don't have musch to say right now.
Above was my opinion about the movie "Sweeney Todd" which I saw last morning.
So... see you when I am available.
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