Picture from mishapes
今天一不小心發現了她演唱的照片,便順勢找找相關消息。結果這是以她為名的搖滾樂團 叫 "吉娜馬隆和她的血跡" 。(或許配上她myspace的網址,又稱"吉娜馬隆和她的野生動物之血跡"。)目前是獨立樂團(?)的狀態,吉娜馬隆擔任主唱,除了一般樂團固有編制外,還有提琴手以及鍵盤手。歌曲的感覺算是emo嗎?就"New Year Come"來說,唱腔非常emo;"Lunchbox and memory"裡又有Yeah Yeah Yeahs,Karen O的影子。在有限且無絕對意義的分類裡,他們將自己分類在alternative中,中文翻"另類"。雖然不是什麼大事,但是一個演員突然跑出來唱歌就是引我注意。
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Jena Malone, an actress since she was a child, had played young Eleanor Arroway( starred by Judie Forster) in movie "Contact", a step-daughter of Julia Roberts and daughter of Susan Sarandon in movie "Stepmom".
It was amazing when I saw her picture today, which she was singing and I went look for related news. So what happened is that Jena Malone have a rock band named "Jena Malone and Her Bloodstains".
Anyway, an inde rock band with keyboard and violin, sings in an EMO way in the song "new year come" and sounds like Karen O of Yeah Yeah Yeahs in the song "Lunchbox & Memory".
It just easy to get my attention when a movie star sings.
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