Thursday, December 13, 2007


The Haunted - The Dead Eye ( Century Media, 馬雅)
猛鬼入侵 - 死神之眼
又是一支瑞典團,第一次聽到他們的音樂是在Metal Hammer雜誌的試聽片中。


其實是"Hollow Ground"和"Revelation"這兩首歌,收錄在他們2000年專輯"The Haunted Made Me Do It"中。好像中間沒有間隔的放一起。所以應該是被"Revelation"感動到,整個編曲好穩好密的感覺,聽完還蠻熱血的。


這個時候他們的音樂主要還是著重在樂器演奏上吧,然後2003年在Earache出了最後一張專輯後,隔年加入Century Media後,開始朝新方向嘗試,同時也換了主唱。

主唱換人後,The Haunted的曲風開始以死鞭笞金屬為本向多元發展。
包含The Dead Eye,在Century Media下出了兩張專輯。

我忘了為什麼會對這一張有興趣,但是當中的一首歌真的感動到我,也才知道原來主唱換人人。"The Prosecution"這首歌好讚,主唱讓我嚇到,雖然整首歌都在嘶吼,但是吼得也太美了。副歌更是感動人心,抑揚頓挫的吼聲真是令我印象深刻。

Crazy Ken Band - Galaxy (Almond Eyes, 2006)
橫山劍樂團 - 銀河系



同時找來了Fire Ball和PAPA B助陣,Fire Ball簡單的說是一個樂團,但是風格如何就不太清楚,在一本嘻哈雜誌上見過,所以...?
PAPA B則是日本的雷鬼(?)DJ。總之,他們的資料是日文的所以我就很難去發揮了,這樣。

Live Earth - The Concerts For A Climate In Crisis (Warner)

雖然當中強團、有名的藝人一堆,但是演出表看到讓我嚇一大跳的是,收錄在DVD2的"La Isla Bonita"。
由瑪丹娜和Gogol Bordello共同演出。重點是Gogol Bordello! 這支團我好早前就計劃要講一下,但是資料搜集不多,還有一些個人因素,也就是"懶得說"的關係。

主唱Eugene Hutz曾經出任電影"啥都鳥了"(Everything Is Illuminated)中第二男主角。Gogol Bordello是一支吉普賽龐客搖滾團,他們的音樂很熱鬧,去年出的專輯"Gypse Punks: Underdog World Strike"(吉普賽龐客:輸家大反撲),整張聽下去像嘉年華一般。

用臺灣的樂團相比,Gogol Bordello好比是早期的夾子電動大樂隊。樂團有拉小提琴的、有打擊樂器,還有兩位舞者。
主唱Hutz多才多藝,除了擔任主唱,也是DJ。Gogol Bordello曾經和一支以色列裔美國雙人音樂組Balkan Beat Box用J.U.F.的化名出了一張吉普賽概念專輯。
總之,Gogol Bordello很酷。

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


This Post Will Not Have An English Version, Due To Some Reasons.

Necro - Death Rap (Psycho + Logical)
偶然間在一個鑲滿嘻哈饒舌唱片封面的網頁上 ,發現了這個。
Necro出身布魯克林,Death Rap是他的第五張錄音室專輯。
Death Rap的概念是將嘻哈饒舌和重金屬融合,
另外Necro也將重金屬界的一個概念運用在Death Rap上,也就是死金屬。
以美國一支著名的死亡金屬團食人僵屍( Cannibal Corpse)來說明,死金屬就是歌的內容非常之血腥,通常是用血流如注、屍塊遍地來描寫如何把一個人肢解或殺害的過程或景象。(好孩子不可以學)總之非常的無營養。
Necro在Death Rap的第一曲,Creepy Crawl中便用了死金屬的精神呈現出了死饒舌,歌詞就是說要怎麼樣把一個人刺死(副歌),或用各種方法把某人給掛了這樣。但是這首歌的音樂部份,個人是非常喜歡,聽了數遍才發現原來這歌有夠病態。
另外,專輯中用重金屬音樂和融合饒舌的例子,還不是用重金屬loop而是找來樂團成員真打。例如,"Suffocated to Death by God's Shadow",找來了Shadows Fall(魅影魔星, Roadrunner, 華納)主唱Brian Fair,Lamb of God(上帝羔羊,Epic, Sony/BMG)吉他手Mark Morton,Suffocation(臺未代理死金團?,Relapse,?) 鼓手Mike Smith和曾在許多名團演奏貝斯的Steve DiGiorgio共同編織。
"Evil Rules"則有Anthrax(炭疽(音"居"熱, Universal,馬雅)的主音吉他手Scott Ian,Megadeth(麥加帝斯,Roadrunner,華納)前任貝斯手David Ellefson以及Fates Warning(命運警示,Metal Blade,馬雅)的主唱Ray Alder助陣。

覺得聽Linkin Park的Mike Shinoda唸得不夠過癮的,可以試試看。Necro的咬字很堅硬。

Witchcraft - The Alchemist (Rise Above)
見到這張專輯,主要是因為這專輯封面,在一堆黑黑暗暗的金屬專輯中出現,古僕、簡約的設計就吸引目光了。要介紹這個團就要先介紹發行的公司─Rise Above。這個廠牌下的樂團都是以毀滅(Doom)和爛泥?(Sludge)金屬為主,這個在倫敦的廠牌好有古味,旗下的樂團專輯都帶有點70年代的風味。
專輯中Samaritan Burden就是一個例子,現在哪裡還聽得到有單純Solo的東西?更不用說還Solo蠻久的。音樂性很強,樂手的技術也好。

說到這個,Witchcraft是瑞典的樂團,主唱Magnus Pelander原先是為了錄一首紀念美國名團Pentagram(五芒星)中兩位團員的歌曲而組成。這單曲被Rise Above老版聽到立刻就把Witchcraft簽了下來,而自2004年至今,Witchcraft已出了三張專輯,All Music Guide平均四顆星的推薦。

The Bad Plus - These Are The Vistas (Sony, Columbia)
Samples (The Flim - Live Version)

The Bad Plus的音樂最早我是在Gilles Peterson的節目中聽到。"The Flim"我要用甜來形容這首單曲。這音樂快樂消遙得不知道要怎麼形容啊,照著音樂的層次下去,聽完就升天了

The Bad Plus是一個爵士三重奏團體,鋼琴、低音琴和鼓。這是他們2003年的專輯,當中著稱的是翻玩了別人的曲子,一首是Grunge搖滾天團Nirvana(超脫)的國歌" Smells Like Teen Spirit",另一首就是我說好甜的"The Flim",原作是電子DJ Aphex Twin(艾費克斯雙胞胎),我是沒聽過原作,但是TBP的版本我很喜歡,自從Jazztronik的Samurai後,這是第二次我會極力推薦的音樂,現在確定原曲是來自Aphex Twin,改天就找來聽一下。

有一點奇怪的是,The Bad Plus從2003的這張專輯到2005年間,總共出了四張專輯,皆由Columbia也就是Sony下的公司發行,但是這個團臺灣竟然沒有代理,既不離經叛道,也不光怪陸離的好品味音樂竟然沒有被引進。

後記: Aphex Twin 於1997年推出的EP "Come To Daddy"中收錄The Flim。

Sage Francis - Human The Death Dance (Epitaph)



請來擔綱製作且本身也相當知名的有Buck 65(巴克65, 華納)、Sixtoo(六也, Ninja Tune,馬雅),然後不可思議的Mark Isham(馬克依夏),這個有名的作曲家,電影配樂作品多到要慢慢數,有名的如大河戀(A River Runs Through It)、衝擊效應(Crash)、奪命槍火(Running Scared)。

Sixtoo本身是Ninja Tune旗下DJ,但很早就有為Sage Francis製作過不少歌曲,今年只作了一首,同時在Ninja Tune也出了一張專輯。

Monday, December 10, 2007

Grindhouse Is Awesome (中文版)

"Death Proof"(死亡證據/玩命飛車殺人狂)由昆丁塔倫提諾編導,
"Planet Terror"(恐怖星球/索女喪屍機關槍)由羅伯特洛居垓編導。




"Death Proof"是昆丁塔倫提諾在"追殺比爾"系列後最新的作品,也是在講復仇的...,但是我覺得是一種不一樣感覺的復仇。當中有一片段,昆丁用長鏡頭{一鏡到底未剪接}拍攝女孩們聊天的場面,讓我印象深刻。因為他們聊天的內容會和即將發生的劇情有關,所以觀眾還不能遺漏這些對話。這個概念很棒,因為這樣就算看的是個大爛片,觀眾也必須要仔細的看。

{Death Proof 這個詞也很妙,看過之後,發現可以有好多種解釋,一言難盡的片名。}

"Planet Terror"是從"Grindhouse"預告片推出後,我就一直想看的片。羅絲麥高玟(聖女魔咒)和一條機關槍腿實在太讓人難忘! 相較於"Death Proof"我更對這個故事有興趣,的確,這部份的grindhouse太正點。我看這部的過程太有趣,整部片好嚴肅認真,好暴笑又好煽情。而且我覺得"Planet Terror"比"Death Proof"還要B級 {B透了} ,好像每一段都在惡搞B級片一樣。這片讓我笑到翻掉。真的太棒。當中每樣東西都比誇張還誇張,看了就知道有多好笑。
導演不僅自編自導,還為"Planet Terror"作配樂,這也是我說煽情的原因了。主角有一句台詞是"攜手闖天涯"讓我差點哭出來,然後在片尾羅絲麥高玟也唱(哼)了以同台詞為名的一首主題曲。超煽情。

我覺得"Grindhouse"和羅伯殭屍{Rob Zombie}的"猛鬼一千"{ House of 1000 Corpses}系列有像,只是比較有內容就是了。

{ 羅伯殭屍也為Grindhouse拍了一個假預告片,片名是武裝黨衛軍的女狼人( Werewolf Women of The SS),尼可拉斯凱吉還特別飾演傅滿州一角。} 見此

Reasons why I posted lyrics.


I usually don't think that one posts lyrics on blog is a good decision.
However, I did post lyrics on this blog, sounds conflicting.


My reason are, first, that lyric is rare and so hard to find. It took me a loog time to find the lyrics. So I posted it again for others who also want to know what that song is can easier to find.


Second, "Popped" is really a good track, produced by Canadian DJ- DJ Serious. Relaxing loop goes with aggressive rap by D- sisive, but sounds like helpless about the whole reality.

第二,"Popped"(芭樂化) 是個好歌,由加拿大DJ- DJ Serious製作,舒暢的音樂伴著D- sisive攻擊性的饒舌,卻表現出一種對現實的無奈。

Third, I heard this song on DJ Kentaro's mixtape "My Favorite Songs Vol.1". The reason that it drew my attention is the loop, which I first heard it appears on a track called "BUDZGOOD" by a Japanese Hip Hop group named "black COFFEEZ" (44 masked members). Due to "My Favorite Songs Vol.1" was released earlier than "BUDZGOOD", so I think "Popped" is the first song featured that loop.
Actully, "BUDZGOOD" and "Popped" are not the same at all. "BUDZGOOD" is different a little bit from "Popped".

第三,這首歌我是在DJ健太郎的混音輯"My Favorite Songs Vol.1"(我最愛的歌 第一輯)中聽到的。吸引我注意的主要原因是它的loop,這loop我第一次聽到是在一個叫"black COFFEEZ" (黑咖逼)[成員44人,全不以真面目示人]的日本饒舌團體的一首歌"BUDZGOOD"聽到。由於"My Favorite Songs Vol.1"比"BUDZGOOD"早了幾年發行,所以我覺得"Popped"應該是第一首用那loop的歌。但其實"BUDZGOOD"的loop有小修改過,所以和"Popped"有些許不同。

Thus, I posted "Popped" lyric, for whom want to know what it is.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

DJ Serious - Popped

DJ Serious Feat. D-Sisive - Popped


One night I had a dreamThat I met all of my favorite Pop music personalitiesWe had a great time together...

[Verse 1]
I'll grab Ricky Martin by the neck
Twist it to make his eyes and Adam's apple intersect so I could make him watch his final breath
I'll commit crimes just to make my fans chant "DEAD"
Ripped LL Cool J's shin off so it could match his pant leg
Wanna Battle? Dare you to try me
I rubbed all the faces of VIP with poisonous Ivy
Then I grabbed Nick Carter and made sure that he was tossed in
The hardest projects then slapped his kid brother just for watching
N'Sync better run fast
Cuz' if I get my hands on Lance, I'm tearing his heart out straight through his ass
Grabbed Brandy and pile drived her on the canvas
Jabbed Monica and started to spit all over Alanis
The females are not a threat
Stuck a mic in Baby Spices mouth and watched it burst out the back of her neck
And just when you thought I'd quit it
I smashed Puff Daddy's Bentley up, phoned him and told him that Steven Stoute did it

So if you see what I see, you'll probably feel the same as me
Cuz' I can't take it no more, take it no more, cuz' I can't take it no more
This whole industry is popped

[Verse 2]
The Latin invasion's obnoxious
I warned Enrique Iglesias to stay cautious
If I lost it, I'm slicing off Jennifer Lopez's ass and keeping it for myself
Then throwing the rest of her in a mosh pit
I made Menudo feel awkward
I tied and gagged the member up and made them listen to some Rico Suave
Hanson was my worst prospect
I called their tour bus with a bomb threat but the Moffats begged me to stop it
So instead of making a sequel to Speed
I kicked the shit out of the Moffats till' their hair started to bleed
Then I proceeded to lay a beating on any underage girl speeding
To HMV for a 3 Deep autograph meeting
Lou Bega thought it was funny, and since he laughed
I put a little bit of size 12 Nike in his ass
Whipped and starved Mike Tyson
Then threw him in the ring with 98 degrees and gave him a license to bite
Aimed three burners straight at TLC's dome
And threatened to kill 'em if they didn't sing the hook on a Sporty
Thieves song"New Kids On The Block Had A Bunch Of Hits" -You're dead - "I'm Sorry?"
Self explanatory...

[Chorus] x 2

[Verse 3]
The Spice Girl's are not forgotten
Rhyno phoned me up and told me "Scary Spice was spotted at Yorkdale shopping!"
Hopped in my Oldsmobile and raced down Allen Road ExpressWay out of control, thinking of ways I could impress Melanie B
But many fans beat me to the punch
A bunch of heads were crowding her, screaming for autographs, shaking hands and such
How could I get to know her?
I looked over my shoulder and noticed her chauffeur holding the limo door for her
Rushed the limo driver, stripped him for his uniform
And put it on in time to help the singer leave the screaming swarm
"Thanks a lot driver, your helps appreciated"
Don't thank me Scary Spice, it's my pleasure to know you safely made it
Keyed the ignition and without a hesitation
I speeded to Eglinton West and threw her out the car naked
Turned up my music with a smile while I observed
A large Jamaican horny herd without jimmy's stripping on the curbI gave a sigh and slapped myself on the back
And wondered when Geri Halliwell was thinking of coming back
I had a great time but then I had to be out
I heard Christina Aguilera was performing at the Warehouse

[Chorus] x 2

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In The Mind of Jamie Cullum

先說, 這張專輯實在可以試試...
主要是因為收錄了 "The Bad Plus"的 "The Flim";
這首太優, 我在Gilles Peterson 的節目上聽到。 太棒!
臺灣沒有進The Bad Plus的作品;
現在(Hinote 映像)進了這張Jamie Cullum 選曲專輯, (好像不是mix的)
竟然有收這首! 太讚了!

This is actully a track recommendation.
First time I heard "The Flim" by The Bad Plus, was on Gilles Peterson's radio show.
That's really a beautiful track. I was so love it.
Unfortunately, there is no official publication for The Bad Plus in Taiwan.
That's why I was so excited when I saw this album was out.
This might be the easiest way to get this track in Taiwan.
Go get one "In The Mind Of Jamie Cullum", Listen "The Flim".
Or get one "The Bad Plus" on Amazon...

"The Flim" was in the thrid album of The Bad Plus, which was released in 2003

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"Grindhouse" Is Awesome!!!

A movie project brought to you by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez called "Grindhouse" which is an imitational b- movie back to back featuring "Death Proof" written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and "Planet Terror" written and directed by Robert Rodriguez.

I think Grindhouse is a great concept whether for entertaiment or an art form, both featured films contain considerated script writing and montages.

Some people may think these movies are worse than ever, but I think that "Grindhouse" is an imitation of theaters where plays B- movies, so this project is not about these movies but the ambiance that could provide, even though these movies are also great.

"Death Proof" is the latest film Quentin mafe after "Kill Bill" series, and it also about revenge..., well in my view, a different kind of revenge. There is a scene that Quentin made a long shot of girls chatting which is impressive. Audiances should not miss what they were talking about because things will connect to what happen to them after their chat. I think that concept is great, audiance must pay attention to what they are watching,even if it's a crap.

I wanted watch "Planet Terror" ever since I saw "Grindhouse" trailer. Rose McGowan with one machine gun leg is so impressive! I am interested in this story more than "Death Proof" , indeed, this part of Grindhouse is awesome. I was so have fun watching this film, it's so serious, so hilarious, and so emotional. I think "Planet Terror" is more B- movie than "Death Proof", it seems they made fun of B- movies in every single scene. I was so laugh out watch this movie. Really great one. Everything is more dramatized, when you see it you will burst out laugh.
Robert Rodriguez not only wrote, directed but also made musics for "Planet Terror", that's why I said it's so emotional. One of the memorable quotes of leading role -"Two against world" almost made me cry and there is a theme song titled the same is at the end of the movie sang(humming) by Rose Mcgowan. So emotional.

I think "Grindhouse" is similar to Rob Zombie's "House of 1000 Corpses" series but with much more contents.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Inspired by 'Angels & Demons' by Dan Brown

Friday, May 18, 2007

Real Deal




Event last week lasts.
Media now wodering that "Marilyn Manson's sex scene stellar acting or a Real Deal?'.
According to Manson himself "...and there's been rumors back and forth, but I will not confirm or deny them," I think he rather said nothing.

The video was shot using 3-D technology developed by "Titanic director James Cameron. But so far the internet version are flash videos, witch are low quality and can hardly understand any 3-D wih the definition.

About the fact of the sex scene, I suggest that it's none of your business, grow up.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Evan Rachel Wood Can...


picture from metro uk & the mv


Evan Rachel Wood(伊雯瑞秋伍)到底能幹嘛?

首先簡單的介紹一下這個童星出身的女演員,她最早受注目的片子是和凱文貝肯一同演出的Diggin' To China (真愛赤子情),凱文貝肯在裡面也是相當出色的扮演一個身心傷殘的角色,和Evan Rachel Wood在片中是很好的朋友。

再來,前陣子她的"13"(芳齡13),受到各界好評,演活了無知少女的邊緣人生,獲得了大大小小獎項的肯定(此後我常懷疑她都接一些感覺起來很笨的角色。譬如說,鬼影迷蹤 "The Missing")。

去年她比較有名的片子是"Running With Scissors"

她之前的mv作品是Green Day的"Wake Me Up, When September End"
接下來可以在音樂台看到Evan Rachel Wood,則是在瑪麗蓮曼森的"Heart- Shape Glasses"(心型眼鏡)中。在mv中她和瑪麗蓮激情熱吻(瑪麗蓮親得很難看就是了),除了這些還有挑戰尺度的元素。臉紅心跳。

1987年九月出生的Evan Rachel Wood目前才19歲,因此在瑪麗蓮的mv中更具話題性。(前陣子還傳緋聞,最近證實兩人為情侶)
到底Evan Rachel Wood能幹嘛? 自己看看吧
It's hard for me to decide the title this time.
This post that I was meant to introduce marilyn manson's new single, but it became so hard to make a title when I found out who the video actress is.
Marilyn Manson's new album is going to be released which is exciting, on the other hand, the new music video is shocking in a way, and due to response to my previous post, I made that title.
Evan Rachel Wood can act, and this is her third time starred in a music video, the second time was co-starred with ex boyfriend Jamie Bell in a Green Day's hit "Wake Me Up When September Ends", and now, Marilyn Manson becomes her boyfriend.
In this music video titled "Heart Shape Glassed", the couple showed their passion and Manson sex with a 19 year old girl may be controversial. Specially mentioned that miss Evan's moaning...
Evan Rachel Wood's forthcoming film" Across the Universe" might be another hit.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Miss Malone Can Sing.

Picture from mishapes

今天一不小心發現了她演唱的照片,便順勢找找相關消息。結果這是以她為名的搖滾樂團 叫 "吉娜馬隆和她的血跡" 。(或許配上她myspace的網址,又稱"吉娜馬隆和她的野生動物之血跡"。)目前是獨立樂團(?)的狀態,吉娜馬隆擔任主唱,除了一般樂團固有編制外,還有提琴手以及鍵盤手。歌曲的感覺算是emo嗎?就"New Year Come"來說,唱腔非常emo;"Lunchbox and memory"裡又有Yeah Yeah Yeahs,Karen O的影子。在有限且無絕對意義的分類裡,他們將自己分類在alternative中,中文翻"另類"。雖然不是什麼大事,但是一個演員突然跑出來唱歌就是引我注意。
聽聽看 或... 看mv

Jena Malone, an actress since she was a child, had played young Eleanor Arroway( starred by Judie Forster) in movie "Contact", a step-daughter of Julia Roberts and daughter of Susan Sarandon in movie "Stepmom".
It was amazing when I saw her picture today, which she was singing and I went look for related news. So what happened is that Jena Malone have a rock band named "Jena Malone and Her Bloodstains".
Anyway, an inde rock band with keyboard and violin, sings in an EMO way in the song "new year come" and sounds like Karen O of Yeah Yeah Yeahs in the song "Lunchbox & Memory".
It just easy to get my attention when a movie star sings.
Listen or... Watch

Monday, March 12, 2007



Even if it's 3am and half in the morning which the time is too late for sleeping, but I just can not wait to tell you what I just found, despite it may be an old shits for some, and it IS an old label I guess.( According to Wikipedia, it was founded in 1998.)

Southern Lord - An American record label name refers to Satan, published black, death metal records, alternative black & death metals and experimental.

Differences between Southern Lord and other metal labels are two.First, Southern Lord bands plays black and death metals in alternative way, they are more like using music to create a creepy environment( Recent bands mostly, or just call it experimental), and second, each album has a great cover design.

雖然說已經早上三點半,( 事實上,打到這邊已經是早上四點了) 要睡覺已經是很晚的事,不過就是等不及要來說剛剛發現的一個新東西,儘管有些人早就知道了,而且它的確是個老牌子。(根據維基百科, 這個廠牌於1998年成立。)

Southern Lord - 以撒旦為名的美國唱片廠牌,專營黑死金屬以及另類黑死,和以上的實驗音樂。

Southern Lord和其他金屬廠牌不同有二。一是旗下的樂隊音樂走向不太一樣,雖然也是黑死金屬,但是偏另類,營造詭譎氛圍( 特別是最近幾支團);二是專輯封面設計很有感覺。

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

A Sharing At The Night Time





(雖然是張震嶽搶搭Limp Bizkit的旋風發行的Trouble專輯的成功,而Trouble裡就已經用了電子樂的成份,所以賣得好就趁機推,於是就造就了Orange。很明顯的,幾年後這些東西就沒那麼熱了。)


It is nearly 5 am of The Chinese New Year's Eve and I am here sharing something.
I bought this album last year which is the first (maybe the only) album by local musician that I ever bought since I was junior high.
Orange LP by DJ Orange (a.k.a. A- yue), published in 2001.
I was captivated when I saw the promotion music video that year, but due to personal reason I bought it 5 years later.
The first single is " Winter Afternoon Sunshine" - a chillout lilt with a lazy tune.It may not the same that the chill-out today, cuz it contains scratch and there may no one what to hear a chill-out with scratch, dose it? And the genre is Breaks.
It Starting with a loop of trumpet sample, brings you a sleepy winter afternoon with warm sunshine. Then the breaks makes the afternoon different.
The music video is brilliant. Colorful and contains elements that intention unclear. DJ Orange himself had shown up in the last scene. And characters eating oranges looks badly.

5 years later, listening to " Winter Afternoon Sunshine" again.
The trumpet sample that I thought was great turned out poorly. Can hear rawness of the early generation techno music through the entire track. It sounds like the track was made with computer and the scratch was done by other DJ( detail mentioned in the album).It's also a pity that not mention where was the trumpet sample from.( Maybe it's not really a sample.)

Anyway, Orange remains a worthy listened album. It's a breakthrough for a conservative pop music industry.( Although Orange was able be published due to the success of A- Yue's(a.k.a. DJ Orange) album " Troble" which catched the fad of Limp Bizkit and it also contained elements of techno. Obviously it was not that hot few years later.)

This is just another monthly post, everything contains are personal observation.
Do Not Take It Seriously.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Schizophrenia & Violent Tendency Version 2.0 out

Schizophrenia & Violent Tendency Version 2.0 was out.
A Schizophrenia & Violent Tendency enhanced version.
Due to technical reason, there would be only one copy available.
And more, a personal reason, there will be only one person can have it.
It's not me.
