Yesterday, I was found that Warner Home Video Taiwan had published "Everything Is Illuminated" DVD. It's so exciting and great. Warner Home Video Taiwan also changed the title to be like "Everything Is Screwed" in Chinese (In Chinese, Everything Is Screwed pronounces can be similar to Everything Is Illuminated.). Dose it really screw that bad? Well, I thought it is due to Alex's English ability and the title would refer to the story and reflect some details of the story.
It occur to me the original desire why I wanted see this movie so much that I forgot after the shock ness of original novel reading, was all came back when beautiful scenery came to my eyes.
Beauty of Ukraine is yet better, with the light blue vehicle characters drove upon flawless country road beside expansiveness fields and under a cloudless blue sky, which is pleasurable. (Looks more like a promotion video of Ukraine.)
The original novel is a tragedy but the film had changed something and skipped some details; You may have to look one part for several times and find a small act of the character that not easily find is an important message to the story, but the director did not make it easy to find.
The original ending is so shocking; the film ending is not so shocking to me. Anyway, despite intricacy the story is, beautiful scenery makes "Everything Is Illuminated" a good film.
As for comedy parts, director changed them good, hilarious.
As for Alex's weird English,it's really bad that Chinese subtitle translated all what he said in a proper way, and it made what came from Alex's mouth so not funny, made audience can understand what Alex meant, but lose hilarious part that Alex misusing the language. According the reason above, what's the Chinese translated movie title mean? Does that mean the end of the movie screwed? So the title is weak.
But strongly recommend it is worthy watching beautiful scenery with a big wide high definition screen TV.