Directed & screenplay by Liev Schreiber
Based on the novel by Jonathan Safran Foer
Cast - Elijah Wood 伊萊亞伍德
A movie about a young Jewish American man endeavors to find the woman who saved his grandfather during World War II in a Ukrainian village, that was ultimately razed by the Nazis, with the help of a local who speaks weirdly funny broken English.
這部片子吸引我的地方在於裡面的風景非常好,從這一版本的海報就可以看得出來,是部色彩相當鮮豔、風格獨特的片子。導演Liev Schreiber曾在許多電影中擔任配角,雖然看到名字還想不到是誰,但是只要一看到照片,腦裡馬上就會浮現他的影像。Liev Schreiber曾在電影【穿越時空愛上你】中飾演將休傑克曼從19世紀帶到21世紀的科學家;你更可以在【驚聲尖叫1~3】中發現他的身影。Everything Is Illuminated是他第一次執導的作品。
This film contains a lot of beautiful scenes, you can find out by looking the poster. It's a colorful film. Liev Schreiber used to starred in TV shows and movies. He played a scientist in "Kate & Leopold" and played a role in "Scream" trilogy. This is his first time been a director.
Everything Is Illuminated在捷克首都布拉格拍攝,美國預計2005年9月16日上映,臺灣預計2005年11月25日。
官方網站 http://wip.warnerbros.com
The movie was filmed in Prague. In theater of US on September 16th.
For more information please visit http://wip.warnerbros.com