作者用烏克蘭人亞歷克斯以及亞歷克斯口中所謂的主角 ─ 強納森(作者用自己的名字)兩人間交流的書信編織出整個故事。書中的強納森‧薩法藍‧佛耳是個作家,以自己祖先為題材寫了一個小說,內容是關於第二次世界大戰前後的軼事;而亞歷克斯則是負責記述強納森在烏克蘭的旅程。
如同我拿到它時,書腰帶上美國著名小說家喬伊斯‧卡洛‧奧茲給這本書的評語"『窮盡想像力的意驚異小說......讓你仰慕、也讓你心碎。』 " 。 "啥都瞭了"的確是個悲傷的故事。
在我讀完它之後只有一個感覺 ─ 就是那股悲傷感,只要一打開書,就馬上感受得到...
而我現在最期待的就是作者新作 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close。(圖右一)
作者個人網站 http://www.projectmuseum.com/
亞歷克斯的家族事業 文化遺產遊覽公司為了這本書創造的公司網站 還有小小山米戴維斯的照片(和電影版不同) http://www.whoisaugustine.com/heritagetouring/
"Everything Is Illuminated" was the first novel by Jonathan Safran Foer in 2002. A story of a Jewish American Jonathan traveled along to Ukraine looking for a woman who saved his grandfather during WW2, and an adventure with the local guide Alex.
The story was made up through letters between the Ukrainian Alex and whom he called the author - Jonathan and Jonathan's novel. In the book Jonathan is a writer, writes a book of his ancestor during world war 2. Alex tells everything of Jonathan in Ukraine.
"A zestfully imagined novel of wonders both magical and mundane. . .He will win your admiration, and he will break your heart."--Joyce Carol Oates. Just as he said "Everything Is Illuminated" is no doubt a sad story.
Though Alex introduced himself in the first chapter, you might think there would be a funny adventure and no one would feel harm. Alex is a funny guy with his weirdly funny broken spoken English. That makes readers feel free and like Alex.
Every section of Jonathan's novel ended with a letter from Alex. I found that I felt the same as Alex did every time Alex question Jonathan about his novel, and Alex would ask Jonathan to change his story not that sad.
With these methods, the author aroused emotions of readers with what characters meet. With turth revealed, sadness incresing. In the end, sorrow and helpless feelings covered all over.
After reading, I felt only sad. The sadness returns once I pick up the book.
Expecting new book from Jonathan Safran Foer, "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close". ( first picture from right)
Intresting in the story, you can also visit some wedsites
Above is a website for the novel, contained a short film of the village where story happened.
This one is the tour guide office that Alex's father owns. Not real, for the novel. Contained a picture of Sammy Davis Jr. Jr.
Jonathan Safran Foer's personal site